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What is Alger capital appreciation fund (acazx)?

NOT BANK GUARANTEED. MAY LOSE VALUE. Alger Capital Appreciation Fund (ACAZX). Primarily invests in growth equity securities of companies of any size identified through our fundamental research as demonstrating promising growth potential. Seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Where can I find information about Alger performance?

For performance current to the most recent month end, visit or call 800.992.3863. (as of 3/30/2024) Characteristics are sourced from FactSet, an independent source, using all available data. Fred Alger Management, LLC, makes no representation that FactSet is complete, reliable, or accurate.

Does Alger pay compensation to third party marketers?

Alger pays compensation to third party marketers to sell various strategies to prospective investors. Risk metrics are statistical measures designed to show the expected risk for a portfolio and are not a measure of performance. Risk Metrics are sourced from Morningstar, an independent source, and include the impact of cash.

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